Sunday, September 7, 2008

Chunks 11 to 20

TITLE Switch and ternary conditions
DESCRIPTION Describe the switch as a multi-way if statement and also describe ternary expressions (two or three examples here). Use a program of similar complexity to Greenberg 77--78 to illustrate the ideas
  • Write switch statements
  • Write ternary statements
  • Understand programs similar in complexity to the one that you describe
REFERENCE Greenberg 81--83
HINT This is not a complicated topic provided the reader has got the idea of an if statement.
PROGRAM Develop a program similar in complexity to the one you described in your text.

TITLE Arrays and for statements
DESCRIPTION Describe single-dimensional arrays and show how for statements can access such arrays.This is a very tricky topic for the beginning programmer so use lots of examples. Describe a program of similar complexity to Greenberg 90--92. Teach brackets in the context of for statements as well. Students will have met brackets before but assume that they only have a hazy idea.
  • Be able to look at a section of code which contains a for statement and array references and describe what it does.
  • Be able to develop simple sections of code that involves a for statement and array references
  • Understand a program of similar complexity to the one you describe in text.
REFERENCE Greenberg 87--92
HINT Please dont make the programs too complicated: loops are a really difficult concept for beginning students.
PROGRAM Develop a program similar in complexity to the one you describe in the text

TITLE While statements
DESCRIPTION Describe the two forms of while statement. Students really find this a tough topic so go very gently with lots of examples. Use arrays as much as possible but start of with a simple non-array example such as summing the first n integers. Develop a program similar to Greenberg 90--92
  • Be able to understand a simple while loop involving a single dimensional array
  • Be able to develop a simple while loop involving a single dimensional array
  • Be able to understand a program of a similar complexity to that described in your text
REFERENCE Greenberg 85--87
HINT This probably the toughest part of the book so far, take it very gently with lots of small examples between three and five lines of code
PROGRAM Develop a program similar to the one you describe in the text.

TITLE Functions 1
DESCRIPTION In this part of the book I want you to introduce the function as a name for a chunk of code. keep to functions that return void. Lots of examples are needed and really teach the concept of an argument. Describe a computer program that uses functions similar in complexity to that in Greenberg 98--99. Revisit brackets and describe what they do as delineters of function text.
  • Be able to create a simple function.
  • Be able to understand the notion of an argument
  • Be able to call a function correctly
REFERENCE Greenberg 96--100 (stopping at the 8th line down)
HINT It's arguments that give all the problems here. Really give lots of examples.
PROGRAM Develop a program that is similar in complexity to the one that you describe in the text.

TITLE Functions 2
DESCRIPTION In this part of the book we would like you to look at function overloading and the use of return values (so far the functions have been void). Describe a computer program that uses non-void functions similar in complexity to Greenberg 98--99.
  • Be able to describe the difference between functions with the same name and different numbers of arguments.
  • Be able to program functions which have a non-void return type.
REFERENCE Greenberg 100--104
HINT If the reader has got an idea of arguments and the function as a name for a code block then this part of the text should be straightforward.
PROGRAM Develop a program similar to the one that you describe in the text.

TITLE Example 1
DESCRIPTION Describe a program that uses all the Java facilities that have been described in Greenberg 58--104; use no other facilities. Make it quite substantial, say around 100 lines of Java code. Present the full listing and then go through it section by section. Concentrate on the tough facilities in your description: while statements, functions, arguments in functions and brackets. Make the program visually exciting. This is one of four examples at this point in the book.
  • Understand a program of the level of complexity of the one presented.
REFERENCE Greenberg 58--104
HINT Take it very gently, dont be afraid to be boring and painstaking: a reader who cannot get past this and the following three examples will be severely limited.
PROGRAM Amend the program presented in the text so that its functionality is changed, for example by changing the code within a function.

TITLE Example 2
DESCRIPTION Describe a program that uses all the Java facilities that have been described in Greenberg 58--104; use no other facilities. Make it quite substantial, say around 100 lines of Java code. Present the full listing and then go through it section by section. Concentrate on the tough facilities in your description: while statements, functions, arguments in functions and brackets. Make the program visually exciting. This is one of four examples at this point in the book.
  • Understand a program of the level of complexity of the one presented.
REFERENCE Greenberg 58--104
HINT Take it very gently, dont be afraid to be boring and painstaking: a reader who cannot get past this and the other previous and next two examples will be severely limited.
PROGRAM Amend the program presented in the text so that its functionality is changed, for example by changing the code within a function.

TITLE Example 3
DESCRIPTION Describe a program that uses all the Java facilities that have been described in Greenberg 58--104; use no other facilities. Make it quite substantial, say around 100 lines of Java code. Present the full listing and then go through it section by section. Concentrate on the tough facilities in your description: while statements, functions, arguments in functions and brackets. Make the program visually exciting. This is one of four examples at this point in the book.
  • Understand a program of the level of complexity of the one presented.
REFERENCE Greenberg 58--104
HINT Take it very gently, dont be afraid to be boring and painstaking: a reader who cannot get past this and the previous two examples and next example will be severely limited.
PROGRAM Amend the program presented in the text so that its functionality is changed, for example by changing the code within a function.

TITLE Example 4
DESCRIPTION Describe a program that uses all the Java facilities that have been described in Greenberg 58--104; use no other facilities. Make it quite substantial, say around 100 lines of Java code. Present the full listing and then go through it section by section. Concentrate on the tough facilities in your description: while statements, functions, arguments in functions and brackets. Make the program visually exciting. This is one of four examples at this point in the book.
  • Understand a program of the level of complexity of the one presented.
REFERENCE Greenberg 58--104
HINT Take it very gently, dont be afraid to be boring and painstaking: a reader who cannot get past this and the other three examples will be severely limited.
PROGRAM Amend the program presented in the text so that its functionality is changed, for example by changing the code within a function.

TITLE Computer graphics applications
DESCRIPTION Find some really interesting computer graphcis applications in the four areas mentioned in Greenberg 108 and describe them
  • Be able to describe the types of applications detailed in Greenberg 108.
REFERENCE Greenberg 108
HINT Embed the links in the text
PROGRAM No programs are needed for this part of the book

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